My First Client – Part 2

Originally Posted April 7, 2020

With your vision defined, you need to tell your story – again and again and to anyone who will listen. Your brand’s story starts with choosing the right words.

Here is one example of a technique I used to shape the tone of voice and story for CBrand:

  1. Grab a stack of magazines. Any kind will work – lifestyle, fashion, home improvement, sports, news…whatever! The more varied the topics, the better. (I recommend keeping  a stack of magazines handy at all time. You never know what might help inspire your next big idea)!

TIP:  I scoop up old LIFE magazines at antique stores. I don’t have the heart to cut them up, but I do look at old advertising for inspiration in my own storytelling.

2. Give yourself 5 minutes to flip through as many magazines as you can and cut out the words or word groups that speak to you. You will instantly recognize what fits, and what doesn’t, with what you want to say. The words will jump off the page!

3. Keep repeating until you can fill a big enough space with these words.

4. You now have the start of your brand’s tone of voice and vocabulary. Write these down. Use these words. Keep coming back to them when you craft brand any communication.

5. Use the key words from the SEE IT exercise and the SAY IT exercise to help craft your own brand vision statement. For example:

CBrand Agency turns ideas into vision, vision into strategy, and strategy into action.